The Purple Angel(イギリスの認知症ケア団体)のイベントに参加してきました。

Long term care insurance(介護保険)や、Speach therapist (言語聴覚士)など、日本ではなじみのワードが、アジアでは珍しいようです。
I attended the event organized by The Purple Angel, a dementia care organization in the UK. It was a long and packed event, starting at 8:30 in the morning and lasting until 5:00 in the afternoon. There were 14 guest speakers who took turns on the stage to give presentations.
As the second-to-last speaker of the day, I had anticipated the tight schedule. As expected, time was running short, so I had to condense my prepared 40-minute presentation into 15 minutes. I set an alarm on my phone and took the stage.
During my presentation, the alarm went off, and I managed to wrap up precisely within the 15-minute timeframe. The audience, who looked a little bit tired, erupted in applause. It seemed that prioritizing time management over content was the right decision, even if I say so myself.
Nevertheless, even in just 15 minutes, I was able to capture the audience’s attention. A doctor from Malaysia approached me and invited me to be a guest speaker at an international event on geriatric medicine that they were organizing in Malaysia.
My innovative approach of conveying dementia care in a storytelling format (Kamishibai) that anyone could understand seemed to stand out amidst the academic presentations.
During the event, I noticed that discussions about Japan popped up occasionally among the international guest speakers. Words like “Long-term care insurance” and “Speech therapist,” which are familiar in Japan, seemed unusual and unfamiliar in the Asian context.
Participating in this real-world event in Asia reminded me of the significance of sharing Japan’s approach to elderly care with the world. It appears that the world is seeking insights from Japan’s elderly care system.
Unfortunately, I was the only Japanese participant, but that’s precisely why I am determined to work even harder to raise awareness among people in the caregiving field in Japan and share Japan’s elderly care practices with the world.
In addition to Japan, there is a market where Japanese people or foreigners who have studied caregiving in Japan can thrive. To convey this, I myself will passionately strive to promote Japanese caregiving globally.
(English is below)
きらめき介護塾さんのオリジナルコンテンツの良さを残しつつ、日本国外でも使えるように、英訳&デジタル化に取り組んでいます。最近はChat GPTをはじめ便利なツールが増えて、作業が断然やり易くなりました。それだけ、日本の介護が届けやすくなりました。
I have been paying attention to the dementia paper based stroytelling (Kamishibai) made by Kirameki Care Academy as one way to introduce Japanese elderly care to Asian countries that are rapidly aging.
In Asia, there are many geriatric doctors and nurses who explain about dementia in complex terms using medical jargon and data. Amidst that, I wondered if there wasn’t content that could easily explain dementia to the general public, not just medical professionals like doctors and nurses. Furthermore, it would be even better if it incorporated a touch of “Japanese-ness.”
The dementia paper based storytelling (Kamishibai) by Kirameki Care Academy perfectly fits my criteria.
Recently, at an international dementia event, when I showcased this dementia Kamishibai, a doctor from Malaysia immediately expressed a desire to use (and learn from) the content. It seems that aging is gradually progressing in Malaysia too, and opportunities to explain dementia simply to families with dementia-afflicted members are increasing.
While retaining the unique features of Kirameki Care Academy’s original content, I am working on translating it into English and digitizing it. With the rise of convenient tools like Chat GPT, the process has become much easier. This makes Japanese elderly care more accessible to the world.
I am determined not just to focus on a one-way approach of training and dispatching foreign care workers but to contribute to a bi-directional internationalization of care by delivering Japanese elderly care to the world!